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The MCBA Prize 2015 Finalists

Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA) announces the five finalists for this year’s MCBA Prize 

This year’s competition, celebrated in coordination with MCBA’s 30th Anniversary, was judged by a jury of three experts in the field of book arts. The jurors reviewed a total of 170 submissions, representing 18 nations around the world from five continents, including 34 of the 50 United States.

Finalists for The MCBA Prize 2015 are, in alphabetical order:
– Ken Botnick, Diderot Project
– Sarah Bryant and David Allen, Figure Study
– Casey Gardner, Matter, Antimatter, and So Forth
– Sara Langworthy, On Physical Lines
– Robin Price, Love in the Time of War

The jury also awarded three Special Recognitions of Merit:
– Rhiannon Alpers, Remnants
– Candace Hicks, String Theory, Vol. III
– Gabriella Solti, The Book of Hours

The artworks will be on display at MCBA from July 17 through August 3, 2015. More photos, artist statements, and The MCBA Prize 2015 online gallery are available at

The MCBA Prize 2015 jury consists of:
– Aaron Cohick, proprietor of NewLights Press and master printer at The Press at Colorado College
– Daniel E. Kelm, book artist and founder of the Garage Annex School for Book Arts
– Jae Jennifer Rossman, Assistant Director for Special Collections, Yale University Library


Clarification on The MCBA Prize 2015 selection process

Dear friends of the book arts,

I recently received an anonymous letter regarding possible bias in the
finalist selection for the 2015 MCBA Prize. The writer requested
clarification and I am happy to provide that. I want to thank the writer
for communicating her/his concerns as others might have similar questions.

The MCBA Prize 2015 jurors were tasked with evaluating a field of 170
entries, and narrowing this field to five finalists, based on the photos
and entry materials supplied by each entrant. The jurors approached the
first stage of deliberation separately. Each juror independently evaluated
the field of entries and ranked a short list of candidates to bring to
deliberations. If an entry ranked high in the top five of a majority of the
jurors' individual lists, it advanced as a finalist with minimal
discussion. MCBA is aware of Daniel Kelm's familiarity with two of the
entries selected by the jury as finalists and his associations were
disclosed at the time of deliberations. Both of the works in question were
ranked in the top five lists of the other two jurors. Because of this, they
advanced as finalists.

In the interest of transparency, I have reviewed the jury's selection
process, and I am satisfied that the process was carried out fairly and
without bias. However, to ensure that the ultimate selection of the 2015
winner is not marred by any perception of conflict of interest, Daniel Kelm
has asked to recuse himself from the final selection process occurring on
July 24, 2015. I have accepted this request and the 2015 winner will be
selected by jurors Aaron Cohick and Jae Rossman.

We are dedicated to having a fair, open, and objective process, and we
strive to continually improve all aspects of this important competition.

Jeff Rathermel
Executive Director, Minnesota Center for Book Arts

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